Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Concept, and the Hound

     Since i have no group with which to play actual Inquisimunda or Inq28, this is more of a hobby project than a workable warband, ruleswise. The particular idea i conceived for my warband: an Ordo Xenos inquisitor, adamantly obsessed with the inherent moral and martial superiority of Mankind over all aliens, scouring the Imperium for the finest warriors he can find, collected into a group of fighters i'm currently calling the Gauntlet of Blades.

I came up with this partly to explain the diverse nature and different scales of the miniatures i collected for this project. I find the differences from the ordinary GW range coherent given that not every human will have the same size head and hands and height-to-breadth ratio as each Guardsman and Marine, and one of the things that drew me to Inquisitorial warbands to begin with was the unusual variety of henchmen and warriors, something rarely seen in the regular miniatures.

One model that i got just because i liked it, and conceived of as a psychically manifested familiar for the Inquisitor, since become a sort of mascot for my dudes: the Hound of Judgment.

The first painted model. I'm pretty happy with it, planning to make the white ribs and eyes blue with white in the centers. The coals and ash base will be replicated on the other models, with the occasional charred bone. The Hound pursues and incinerates, the warband wading through the ash behind it. This is another compromise between concept and expediency, but should look pretty decent.

More coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the hound, both the model itself and the paintjob are very nice! I hope the look of this guy points towards a rather dark and gothic Inquisitorial warband?

    Keep up the great work!
